Tagged: Packing

Packing for International Travel

International Travel pic

International Travel
Image: whatsgabycooking.com

A certified tour director, Manuel Marquez, MD, has guided travelers through numerous countries across South America, North America, and Europe. Manuel Marquez, MD, has also embarked on many international trips of his own and has accumulated a knowledge base not only of the destinations themselves but also of the necessary logistics a traveler should consider to make the most of their trip.

When visiting international destinations, there are a multitude of variables to consider. Packing can be especially challenging for someone who is not familiar with the climate or temperature of a new destination, so research is helpful. Travelers should also be aware of whether they should bring a power adapter, familiar toiletries, or other necessities that may be difficult to find in a particular location.

Most travelers also prefer not to be taken by surprise when it comes to clothing. It’s not necessary to bring an entire wardrobe; in fact, many find it helpful to choose numerous outfits for a trip and then bring half of what they have laid out. Items that should make the cut are those that the traveler can wear multiple times and layer to create different outfits.

The traveler should also take care to include clothing for different settings. Experienced travelers know to bring one nice outfit and at least one pair of sturdy shoes for every trip, regardless of itinerary.

Bulky items are best worn on the plane, and absolute necessities belong in a carry-on. This is true for medication, a change of clothes, and anything else one could not live without if luggage does not arrive at the same time as the plane. This may not happen, but it is always good to be prepared.