President Obama Visits Cuba

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President Obama Visits Cuba

In addition to his long career in the medical field, certified tour director Manuel Marquez, MD, is an experienced traveler who has visited numerous destinations in the United States and abroad. Manuel Marquez, MD, has taken several tour groups to Cuba. A 2016 tour coincided with President Obama’s historic visit to Havana.

Before March of 2016, a United States president had not visited Cuba since Calvin Coolidge visited in 1928. For decades, Cuba, located just 90 miles from Key West, Florida, has been regarded as a Cold War adversary. Until recently, strict trade restrictions have been in place. President Obama made the trip to Cuba in order to further efforts to improve diplomatic relations with the neighboring country.

President Obama visited Cuba with his family and 39 members of Congress. On the trip, he visited the American Embassy in Havana, did some sightseeing in Old Havana, toured the Havana Cathedral (Catedral de la Habana), and watched the Cuban National baseball team play in an exhibition game against the Tampa Bay Rays.

Cuba is one of the oldest settlements in the Americas, the last of the first seven cities founded by order of Diego Velazquez in the early 1500s. Even though gold deposits were limited in the area, Spain quickly realized Cuba’s potential and used the island as a staging area for exploration of neighboring land.

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